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Set Received-Reply Handler

Use this handler to run specific code each time a new message is received by the SDK.

This block is executed each time a new message is received. This can be used to show your own UI when a new message is received when default chat notifications are disabled, for example.

Replies.didReceiveReplyHandler = {
    // Notify users about new message.
IBGReplies.didReceiveReplyHandler = ^{
    // Notify users about new message.
Replies.setOnNewReplyReceivedCallback(new Runnable() {
	//Your code goes here.
Replies.setOnNewReplyReceivedCallback(function () {
    //Create custom alert
Replies.DidReceiveReplyHandler = () => 
  Console.WriteLine("Received New Reply!");

Replies.setOnNewReplyReceivedCallback(new Runnable() {
	//Your code goes here.
Replies.setOnNewReplyReceivedCallback(Function function);