Feature Request Content
This page covers the content found in a feature request.
Users can add new feature requests or comment on existing ones. All the fields as well as the APIs to make the emails optional can be found below.
Feature Requests Fields
When creating a new feature request, users will have 4 fields to enter:
- Title: the name of the feature request
- Description: a summary of what the feature request is all about
- Name: the user's name
- Email: the email associated with the user

Setting the Email Field as Optional
By default, the email of the user is required for adding a new feature request. You can enable and disable this email requirement using the following API.
IBGFeatureRequests.SetEmailFieldRequired(true, IBGAction.RequestNewFeature);
FeatureRequests.SetEmailFieldRequired(true, Com.Instabug.Featuresrequest.ActionType.RequestNewFeature);
Feature Request Comments Fields
When adding a comment to an already existing feature request, 3 fields will be shown to the users:
- Comment: the comment of the user
- Name: the user's name
- Email: the email associated with the user

Setting the Email Field as Optional
By default, the email of the user is required for adding a new comment. You can enable and disable this email requirement using the following API.
IBGFeatureRequests.SetEmailFieldRequired(true, IBGAction.AddCommenToFeature);
FeatureRequests.SetEmailFieldRequired(true, Com.Instabug.Featuresrequest.ActionType.AddCommentToFeature);
Updated over 5 years ago
Identifying your users can help eliminate the need for your users to have to enter their email and name.