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These docs are for v8.3. Click to read the latest docs for v13.0.0.

User Data

User data is used to add chunks of information to a user so that it's sent to the dashboard with the reports. Each call to this API overwrites the previous data added. This method takes a string argument.

let profileDetails = user.allProfileDetails()
let profileDetailsString = "\(profileDetails)"
Instabug.userData = profileDetailsString
NSDictionary *profileDetails = [user allProfileDetails];
NSString *profileDetailsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", profileDetails];
Instabug.userData = profileDetailsString;
Instabug.setUserData("User data");
Instabug.setUserData("User data sample");
//Set the user data 
    function () {
    function (error) {

Instabug.UserData = "User data";