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These docs are for v8.5. Click to read the latest docs for v13.0.0.

Customizing Survey Behavior

This page covers all the in-app survey behavior that you can customize as well as related APIs.

Showing a Welcome Screen

You can show your users a welcome screen before a survey rather than asking the first question immediately. By default, this is disabled. To enable the survey welcome screen, use the following method.


Surveys in Older Instabug SDK Versions

As of the release that occurred on the 25th of March, 2019, any new survey created will only be shown to applications running SDK version 8.2.

During the release, we reworked the logic of our surveys while introducing a whole host of new features that you can read up on here.


In-App Surveys Are Disabled in Older Versions of the Instabug SDK

Surveys will only be shown to your users who have the updated version of your app that has SDK Version 8.2 and above.

What’s Next

Everything is customized and the survey is sure to be a hit. Since you're expecting responses, did you know you can use Instabug to follow up with your users who respond?