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These docs are for v8.5. Click to read the latest docs for v13.0.0.

Reply to Survey Responders

This page explains how you can reply to each individual survey response.


Separate Conversations

Each open conversation can only be viewed from its related issue. If a user contacts you using any of the methods mentioned here, the conversation will appear in the chats page of your dashboard.

If you reply to a user who reported a specific bug, you can only access that conversation from that specific bug report. The same is true for survey responses.

Interesting feedback can sometimes be garnered from survey responses. The feedback you receive could seem like great ideas, but sometimes you need more information. Other times, users might respond negatively to a survey. In both scenarios, being able to chat with the user could be really useful. Doing so is possible by opening the surveys result page and the choosing Reply to User.


What’s Next

Talk to your users often? How about you enable the notifications so that they don't miss your message!