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Integrating Instabug

This page covers how to install the Instabug SDK into your regular and Ionic Cordova applications.

Cordova Installation Steps


Open the command line and navigate to your project directory. Then run the following command.

cordova plugin add https://github.com/Instabug/instabug-cordova

Using Instabug


To start using Instabug, you will need to initialize the SDK in your app. This can be done through the activate method. It takes as your app token as a parameter, your selected invocation event, and a range of optional parameters. It also takes two callback functions, one for success and another one in case of failure.

Invocation Event

Using this parameter, you specify how your users will show the SDK to send you a report. For more details, see the Showing Instabug section.

Like the app token, the value itself can be provided, or you can give an object with values according to platforms.

Optional Parameters

A third parameter is an optional object containing properties to set a variety of configurations.
Here is a sample showing how to use Instabug.

        ios: 'MY_IOS_TOKEN'
        commentRequired: true,
        colorTheme: 'dark'
    function () {
        console.log('Instabug initialized.');
    function (error) {
        console.log('Instabug could not be initialized - ' + error);


To start using the SDK in your Android app, follow these steps:

  1. Change the name of the application class in your AndroidManifest.xml file to android:name="com.instabug.cordova.plugin.MyApplication"
  2. Then, you only need to add your app token in the MyApplication class, by replacing YOUR_ANDROID_TOKEN with your app token.


Class Location

You can find this class under this path YourProjectName/platforms/android/app/src/main/java/com.instabug.cordova.plugin/MyApplication.java

Your builder method should look like this:

public void onCreate(){
	new Instabug.Builder(

You can find your app token by selecting SDK Integration in the Settings menu from your Instabug dashboard.

Ionic Installation Steps


Open the command line and navigate to your project directory. Then run the following command.

ionic cordova plugin add instabug-cordova

Using Instabug

You will first need to add declare let cordova: any; at the beginning of your app.component.ts class.


To start using Instabug, you will need to initialize the SDK in your app. This can be done through the activate method. It takes as your app token as a parameter, your selected invocation event, and a range of optional parameters. It also takes two callback functions, one for success and another one in case of failure.

Invocation Event

Using this parameter, you specify how your users will show the SDK to send you a report. For more details, see the Showing Instabug section.

Like the app token, the value itself can be provided, or you can give an object with values according to platforms.

Optional Parameters

A third parameter is an optional object containing properties to set a variety of configurations.
Here is a sample showing how to use Instabug.

        ios: 'MY_IOS_TOKEN'
        commentRequired: true,
        colorTheme: 'dark'
    function () {
        console.log('Instabug initialized.');
    function (error) {
        console.log('Instabug could not be initialized - ' + error);


To start using the SDK in your Android app, follow these steps:
1 - Change the name of the application class in your AndroidManifest.xml file to android:name="com.instabug.cordova.plugin.MyApplication"
2 - Then, you only need to add your app token in the MyApplication class, by replacing YOUR_ANDROID_TOKEN with your app token.


Class Location

You can find this class under this path YourProjectName/platforms/android/app/src/main/java/com.instabug.cordova.plugin/MyApplication.java

Your builder method should look like this:

public void onCreate(){
	new Instabug.Builder(

You can find your app token by selecting SDK Integration in the Settings menu from your Instabug dashboard.

What’s Next

Now that you've successfully integrated Instabug, check out how to show Instabug using different methods, how to identify your users, and how to customize your SDK.