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In-App Replies

This page contains an overview of the content available in the In-App Replies sections of the Instabug Docs for iOS apps.


Integrating Instabug

To be able to use Instabug's In-App Replies product, you must first integrate the SDK.

While being able to chat with the user is always beneficial, letting your users be able to start conversations with you might be overwhelming. With the chats and replies being split, you can now have the best of both worlds. The breakdown is as follows:

1. Show Replies List
If you need to manually show the replies page, you can do that via the API detailed here.

2. Reply to Users
This section explains how to navigate the dashboard so that you can reply to bugs, crashes, and surveys. Also detailed is an explanation of the chat workflow.

3. Managing Notifications
Learn how to set up push notifications, disable in-app notifications, as well as customize these notifications for your own purposes.

4. Event Handlers
If you wish to have any blocks of code run when a new message is received, this section details just how you can do that.

5. Disabling/Enabling In-App Replies
Thinking of completely hiding the replies page? This section covers how to do that.