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Disabling/Enabling Bug Reporting

This section covers how to disable and enable bug reporting.

When your users invoke the SDK, a popup appears with default Prompt Options for them to "Report a problem" (submit a bug, "Suggest an improvement" (send you feedback), or "Talk to us" (send you a chat).

These options can be disabled or enabled separately. When only a single option is enabled, it becomes the default invocation mode and the Prompt Options menu doesn't appear.

The example below disables bug reporting and feedback and makes In-App Chat the default invocation mode so that when users invoke Instabug, they are shown the conversations page directly.


You can also specify whether to show one of the Report a Problem or Suggest an Improvement options, or both using this API:

BugReporting.setReportTypes([BugReporting.reportType.bug, BugReporting.reportType.feedback]);

By default, all three options are enabled if they are available in your current plan.