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This section explains how to install Instabug SDK into your Web application.

Manual Installation

To include Instabug Web SDK into your website, simply copy the following line and paste it in the footer by the end of the tag.



You will need to modify the version number in the following line whenever there is a new update.

<script src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/instabug-pro/sdk_releases/instabugsdk-1.2.1-beta.min.js'></script>

Bower Installation

To install the SDK using bower, run the following command.

bower install instabug-sdk - -save

Npm Installation

To install the SDK using npm, run the following command.

npm install instabug-sdk --save

Using Instabug

After including the SDK into your website, you can initialize the SDK by calling the .init() method that takes the application token as a parameter. The following block of code should be added to the footer.


You can find your app token by selecting the SDK tab from your Instabug dashboard.

Manual Invocation

you can invoke the SDK manually yourself from the code wherever suitable using .invoke().
You can also dismiss the screenshot annotation using .dismiss().

Disabling the SDK

After initializing the SDK, you may need to hide the invocation button or show it based on some conditions. The API call .disable() is used to disable the SDK. To enable the SDK you can use .enable().