Check if Responded

You can pass a survey token to this API to check if a particular user has responded to the survey before showing it. This method takes a string token as an argument and returns a boolean.

Surveys.hasRespondedToSurvey(withToken: "TOKEN")
[IBGSurveys hasRespondedToSurveyWithToken:@"TOKEN"];
Surveys.hasRespondedToSurvey("SURVEY_TOKEN", function(hasResponded) {
  alert("Has Responded: "+hasResponded);
  function (hasResponded) {
    console.log('Has Responded: '+hasResponded);
  function (error) {
    console.log('Could not get the value - ' + error);
bool hasResponded = IBGSurveys.HasRespondedToSurveyWithToken("TOKEN");

bool hasResponded = Surveys.HasRespondToSurvey("TOKEN");
Surveys.hasRespondedToSurvey("SURVEY_TOKEN", Function function);