Set Pre-Invocation Handler

Use this handler to run any code prior to Instabug being invoked.

This block is executed on the UI thread and could be used for performing any UI changes before the SDK's UI is shown.

BugReporting.willInvokeHandler = {
IBGBugReporting.willInvokeHandler = ^{
    [someObject setSomeState];
BugReporting.setOnInvokeCallback(new OnInvokeCallback() {
            public void onInvoke() {
               //do something
BugReporting.OnInvokeHandler(function () {
    // Perform any UI changes before the SDK's UI is shown.
            function () {
                //Add any logic you want to do here
                console.log('On invocation logic');
            function (error) {
                console.log('On Invoke handler could not be set ' + error);
IBGBugReporting.WillInvokeHandler = () => 
  Console.WriteLine("SDK will be invoked!");

Instabug.SetOnSdkInvokedCallback(new IOnSdkInvokedCallbackClass());

private class IOnSdkInvokedCallbackClass : Java.Lang.Object, IOnSdkInvokedCallback
  public void OnSdkInvoked()
    Android.Util.Log.Warn("OnSdkInvoked", "Instabug SDK invoked");
BugReporting.setOnInvokeCallback(Function function);