Instabug Logging

Instabug logging functions very similarly to normal logging with the added benefits of having different verbosity levels. These can be filtered on the Instabug dashboard.

The available verbosity levels are:

  • Log
  • Verbose
  • Info
  • Warning
  • Debug
  • Error
IBGLog.log("Log statement")
IBGLog.logVerbose("Verbose statement")
IBGLog.logInfo("Info statement")
IBGLog.logWarn("Warning statement")
IBGLog.logDebug("Debug statement")
IBGLog.logError("Error statement")
IBGLogVerbose(@"Verbose log message");
IBGLogDebug(@"Debug log message");
IBGLogInfo(@"Info log message");
IBGLogWarn(@"Warn log message");
IBGLogError(@"Error log message");
InstabugLog.d("Message to log");
InstabugLog.v("Message to log");
InstabugLog.i("Message to log");
InstabugLog.e("Message to log");
InstabugLog.w("Message to log");"Message to log");
Instabug.logVerbose("Message to log")
Instabug.logInfo("Message to log")
Instabug.logDebug("Message to log")
Instabug.logError("Message to log")
Instabug.logWarn("Message to log")
        enableInstabugLogs: true
    function () {
        console.log('Instabug initialized.');
    function (error) {
        console.log('Instabug could not be initialized - ' + error);

InstabugLog.W("Warning message");
InstabugLog.E("Error message");
InstabugLog.I("Information message");
InstabugLog.V("Verbose message");
InstabugLog.D("Debug message");
InstabugLog.Wtf("Failure message");
InstabugLog.logVerbose("Message to log")
InstabugLog.logInfo("Message to log")
InstabugLog.logDebug("Message to log")
InstabugLog.logError("Message to log")
InstabugLog.logWarn("Message to log")