Set Did-Dismiss Handler

Use this handler to run any code right after the Instabug view is dismissed.

This block is executed on the UI thread. Could be used for performing any UI changes after the SDK's UI has been dismissed.

For iOS:
The didDismissHandler block has the following

  • IBGDismissType: How the SDK was dismissed.
  • IBGReportType: Type of report that has been sent. Will be set to IBGReportTypeBug in case the SDK has been dismissed without selecting a report type, so you might need to check issueState before IBGReportType.

For Android:
The setOnDismissCallback block has the following

  • DismissType: How the SDK was dismissed.
  • ReportType: The type of report that was sent. If the SDK was dismissed without selecting a report type, it will be set to bug, so you might need to check issueState before reportType.

For React Native:
The onSDKDismissedHandler block has the following

  • dismissType: How the SDK was dismissed.
  • reportType: The type of report that was sent. If the SDK was dismissed without selecting a report type, it will be set to bug, so you might need to check issueState before reportType.
BugReporting.didDismissHandler = { (dismissType, reportType) in
IBGBugReporting.didDismissHandler = ^(IBGDismissType dismissType, IBGReportType reportType) {
    [someObject setSomeState];
BugReporting.setOnDismissCallback(new OnSdkDismissCallback() {
            public void call(DismissType issueState, ReportType reportType) {
BugReporting.onSDKDismissedHandler(function (dismissType, reportType) {
    // Perform any UI changes after the SDK's UI has been dismissed.
            function () {
                //Add any logic you want to do here
                console.log('Invocation dismiss logic');
            function (error) {
                console.log('Invoke dismiss handler could not be set ' + error);
IBGBugReporting.DidDismissHandler = (IBGDismissType dismissType, IBGReportType reportType) =>
	Console.WriteLine("Dismiss Type: " + dismissType + ". Report Type: " + 		reportType);

//Not supported yet
BugReporting.setOnDismissCallback(Function function);