Set Private View

You can use this API to set any particular view as private so that it is always hidden in screenshots.

view.instabug_privateView = true
view.instabug_privateView = YES;
//Should be added in the activity with the view, takes any number of views
Instabug.addPrivateViews(view1, view2, view3);
//Should be added in the activity with the view, takes any number of views
Instabug.addPrivateViews(view1, view2, view3)
//Add the following tag to the view you'd like to hide
<Text ref={c => this.textView = c} style={styles.welcome}>This is a private view!</Text>

//Then call the following API

You can also remove a view from the list of private views using this API.

//Should be added in the activity with the view, takes any number of views
Instabug.removePrivateViews(view1, view2, view3);
//Should be added in the activity with the view, takes any number of views
Instabug.removePrivateViews(view1, view2, view3)