Integrating Instabug
This page covers how to install Instabug SDK into your Xamarin application.
To install and integrate the SDK in your project follow the following steps:
- From Visual Studio project navigator, expand ProjectName.Droid. Right click on the Packages folder. Click on Add Packages.

- Search for instabug-for-android. Then, click on Add Package.

- Repeat all the previous steps for ProjectName.iOS.
Using Instabug
To start using Instabug in your application you will need to initialize it.
First, import Instabug in the AppDelegate
using InstabugLib;
Then add the following line in the FinishedLaunching
method inside the AppDelegate
Instabug.StartWithToken("YOUR_APP_TOKEN", IBGInvocationEvent.Shake | IBGInvocationEvent.Screenshot);
To start using Instabug in your application, you will need to initialize it. Create a custom application class, it should look like the following.
using System;
using Android.App;
using Android.Runtime;
using Com.Instabug.Library;
using Com.Instabug.Library.Invocation;
namespace Xamarinsampleandroidapp
public class MainApp : Application
protected MainApp(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
: base(javaReference, transfer)
public override void OnCreate()
new Instabug.Builder(this, "TOKEN").SetInvocationEvents(InstabugInvocationEvent.FloatingButton, InstabugInvocationEvent.Shake).Build();
You can find your app token by selecting SDK Integration in the settings popup from your Instabug dashboard.
Updated over 5 years ago
Now that you've successfully integrated Instabug, check out how to show Instabug using different methods, how to identify your users, or how to customize your SDK.