Event Handlers

Covered here is how to set up the event handler that fire before and after every survey is shown.

You execute code in a handler that gets called before a survey is shown, and after it has been dismissed. Use those for things like pausing and resuming a game, for example.

Before Showing the Survey

IBGSurveys.WillShowSurveyHandler = () =>
  System.Console.WriteLine("New Survey");

Surveys.SetOnShowCallback(new IPreShowingSurveyRunnable());
public class IPreShowingSurveyRunnable : Java.Lang.Object, IOnShowCallback
  public void OnShow()
    Android.Util.Log.Warn("PreShowingSurvey", "Pre Showing survey");

After the Survey Has Been Dismissed

IBGSurveys.DidDismissSurveyHandler = () =>
	System.Console.WriteLine("Did Dismiss Survey");

Surveys.SetOnDismissCallback(new IOnDismissSurveyCallback());

public class IOnDismissSurveyCallback : Java.Lang.Object, IOnDismissCallback
  public void OnDismiss()
    Android.Util.Log.Warn("PreShowingSurvey", "Pre Showing survey");

What’s Next

Use the event handlers even better by adding user attributes and events in them as well as adding additional logs.