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In-App Surveys

This page covers the APIs specific to in-app surveys for Xamarin apps.


Integrating Instabug

To use the in-app survey feature of the Instabug SDK, integrating the SDK is required.

The best and most effective way to collect data about your application and evaluate it is directly asking the ones who are using it. Your actual customers are an asset that you can use to answer a lot of questions and make decisions. We built the in-app surveys specifically to fulfill this need. The good thing is, setting up those surveys from the dashboard, controlling them from the application and accessing their result can be done easily.

Below is the breakdown of the in-app surveys:

1. Creating Survey
Learn how to create your very own survey using different types of questions here. If you want to find out your Net Promoter Score, you can also create an NPS survey to help you do just that.

2. Targeting Surveys
Different users need different surveys. Learn how to show specific surveys to specific users at just the right time in this section.

3. Customizing Survey Behavior
Customize the criteria that dictates when the survey should re-appear for customers that have already filled it, check out how to show a welcome screen prior to the user seeing the survey, and learn why certain users will be unable to see new surveys.

4. Reply to Surveys Responders
In this section, you can find instructions on how to reply to any survey response in order to communicate with the responder.

5. Event Handlers
If you wish to have any blocks of code run when a survey is dismissed, this section details just how you can do that.

6. Disabling/Enabling In-App Surveys
Surveys might not be your thing and that's okay. This section stops any survey from trying to show up in your application.