Crash Reporting for Android

This page contains an overview of the information available in the Crash Reporting sections of the Instabug Docs for Android apps.


Integrating Instabug

To be able to use Instabug's Crash Reporting product, you must first integrate the SDK.

Instabug automatically captures every crash of your app and sends relevant details to the crashes page of your dashboard when the app is launched again. Below you can find a breakdown of Instabug's crash reporting features.

1. Reporting Crashes
This section covers how to report crashes both automatically and manually, as well as an explanation of the information contained in your crashes list.

2. Crash Report Content
Detailed here is what you can expect with every crash report, such as stack traces and number of affected users.

3. Occurrences Content
Every crash has an occurrence. Each occurrence has details, such as logs and user attributes, as well as a Session Profiler. All of this data is explained in this section.

4. Obfuscation
Learn how to deobfuscate your crashes so that your stack traces are easier to read.

5. Reply to Affected Users
In this section, you'll find instructions on how to reply to any given crash occurrence in order to communicate with your users.

6. Callbacks
If you wish to have any blocks of code run before a report is sent, this section details just how you can do that.

7. Disabling/Enabling Crash Reporting
Prefer to use Instabug for products other than crash reporting? No problem, just follow the instructions here to disable crash reporting.

8. Capturing ANRs in Instabug
Instabug currently offers two different methods for capturing ANRs, this section covers the specifics of both methods.

Watch it in action: