Team Ownership

Have ownership and get alerted if it's relevant to your team

To set up team ownership in the Instabug dashboard, you will need to go through a couple of steps. Team ownership will help ensure every crash and bug gets assigned to the corresponding team. Assignation can be done either manually or automatically. These steps will ensure you create the best possible team definitions. It will enable you to then prioritize issues related to your team and get alerted about them. These are the quick few steps needed to complete team ownership on the dashboard

  1. Team Creation
  2. Team Assignation
  3. Prioritization
  4. Alerting
  5. Team Insights

Team Creation

The first step of team ownership is creating the team using the following steps.

To create a team, you will go through “Account management” (on the organizational level) at the top right corner of the dashboard

Then, from the left list choose “Teams”, then “Create a team”


Select "Teams"

Choose the most suitable Team name, example "Payment"


Insert your team name then create

Team Assignation

Automatic Assignation to Corresponding Teams

The following steps show how you can leverage team ownership. First, you would need to create the team on the organizational level. You can define definition on both the Bugs level and the Crashes level. Next, you will need to define each team using the path/package or filename they are responsible for on the Crash level. While on the Bug level, you will need to define each team using the categories, user attributes and current view (screen name). Each team can then have issues related to them routed to them automatically. They can also prioritize their issue through filtering their team's issues only. Last, these teams can get alerted on their favorite tool, so they can be alerted whenever an issue occurs (for the crashes team only for now, this will be supported for bugs shortly).


  • Team Definition
  • Prioritizing
  • Alerting (Crashes only)
  • Insights (Crashes only)

Automatically Assigning Bugs to the Corresponding Team

To define the team, you will need to go to “Settings” (on the app level) from the bottom of the sidebar (on the left)

Start Team Ownership Definition

Start Team Ownership Definition

Then, choose “Team ownership”, then "Create Definition"


"Team ownership"

Choose the Type that you want to define team ownership for. We will start with "Bugs"

Choosing the Definition Type

Choosing the Definition Type

Choose the team that you created. For example, “Payment” Team

Choosing the corresponding Team

Choosing the corresponding Team

Start adding conditions to define the team by choosing from the following:

  • Categories
  • User Attributes
  • Current View
Choosing Bug Definition Condition Type

Choosing Bug Definition Condition Type


If you pick more than one condition, they will all need to be true for the team to be assigned.

For Categories, you have 2 conditions to choose from

  • Include any of
  • Don't include any of
Choosing Categories' condition and value

Choosing Categories' condition and value

For User Attributes, you need to choose the attribute that you want to define the team to and then enter the value expected from the attribute. For example, choosing the attribute VIP and the value as True

Choosing the User Attribute for Defining the Bug and the expected value

Choosing the User Attribute for Defining the Bug and the expected value

For User Attributes, you have 4 conditions to choose from

  • Equals any of
  • Doesn't equal any of
  • Contains any of
  • Doesn’t contain any of
Choosing User Attributes' condition

Choosing User Attributes' condition

For Current View, you have 4 conditions to choose from

  • Equals any of
  • Doesn't equal any of
  • Contains any of
  • Doesn’t contain any of
Choosing Current View's condition and value

Choosing Current View's condition and value

Automatically Assigning Crashes to the Corresponding Team

To define the team, you will need to go to “Settings” (on the app level) from the bottom of the sidebar (on the left)

Start Team Ownership Definition

Start Team Ownership Definition

Then, choose “Team ownership”, then "Create Definition"


"Team ownership"

Choose the Type that you want to define team ownership for. We will start with "Crashes"

And now defining the Payment team that is responsible for Crashes

Choosing the corresponding Team

Choosing the corresponding Team

Start adding conditions to define the team by choosing from the following:

  • Path (iOS)/Package (Android)
  • Filename
Choosing Crash Definition Condition Type

Choosing Crash Definition Condition Type


If you pick more than one condition, they will all need to be true for the team to be assigned.

For Path/Package, you have 2 conditions to choose from

  • Matches any of
  • Don't match any of
Choosing Package/Path condition and value

Choosing Package/Path condition and value



NOTE: Whenever you type the path/package you need to press Enter in order to lock it in

For Filename, you have 4 conditions to choose from

  • Equals any of
  • Doesn't equal any of
  • Contains any of
  • Doesn’t contain any of
Choosing Filename's condition and value

Choosing Filename's condition and value



NOTE: Whenever you type the filename you need to press Enter in order to lock it in

Matching Paths/Packages


When setting up the definition, Instabug supports partial matching of paths using the match condition (not case sensitive), let's take a look at some examples:

Sample Crash

Actual Crash Path: instabug/crashes/list/singleCrash

Successful MatchUnsuccessful Match
- instabug
- instabug/crashes
- instabug/crashes/list/singleCrash
- instabug/crashes/list
- /crashes/list
- /list/singleCrash
- instabug//crashes
- /instabug/crashes
- /instabug/crashes/list/singleCrash/
- instabug/crashes/list/singleCrash/Occurrence
- instabug/cr/list
- crashes/instabug

Unsuccessful Matches:

  • instabug//crashes - contains an extra slash in the middle
  • /instabug/crashes - contains an extra slash before instabug
  • com/instabug/crashes/list/singleCrash/ - contains an extra slash after singleCrash
  • instabug/crashes/list/singleCrash/Occurrence - contains an extra sub-path
  • instabug/cr/list - Instabug does not match partial words (cr and crashes in this case)
  • crashes/instabug - path is written in a wrong order

When setting up the definition, Instabug supports partial matching of package names using the match condition (not case sensitive), let's take a look at some examples:

Sample Crash

Sample Package: com.instabug.crashes.list.singleCrash

Successful MatchUnsuccessful Match
- instabug
- com.instabug.crashes
- com.instabug.crashes.list
- instabug.crashes.list
- .crashes.list
- list.singleCrash
- com..instabug.crashes
- .com.instabug.crashes
- com.instabug.crashes.list.singleCrash.
- crashes.list.singleCrash.Occurrence
- crashes.instabug

Unsuccessful Matches:

  • com..instabug.crashes - contains an extra dot in the middle
  • .com.instabug.crashes - contains an extra dot before com
  • com.instabug.crashes.list.singleCrash. - contains an extra dot after singleCrash
  • crashes.list.singleCrash.Occurrence - actual path does not contain 'Occurrence'
  • - Instabug does not match partial words (cr and crashes in this case)
  • crashes.instabug - package is written in a wrong order

Manual Assignation to Corresponding Teams

Manually Assigning Bugs to the Corresponding Team

You can also assign the team manually from within the bug itself without defining it.

Go to bugs from the left sidebar of the dashboard and then click on the bug that you want to assign to a certain team

Navigate to the right sidebar “Actions” and change the Team to the corresponding team. For example, choosing the “Payment”

Manually assigning Bugs to the corresponding team

Manually assigning Bugs to the corresponding team

Manually Assigning Crashes to the Corresponding Team

You can also assign the team manually from within the crash itself without defining it.

Go to crashes from the left sidebar of the dashboard and then click on the crash that does not have a team assigned to it


Crash is not assigned to a team

Navigate to the right sidebar “Actions” and change the Team to the corresponding team. For example, choosing the “Payment”


Assigning the crash to a team


Bugs Priortization

Prioritizing bugs related to your team can be done through the Team filter at the top bar of the "Bugs" main page
Select your team from the dropdown list, you can even search by the team’s name. For example, “Payment” Team

Prioritize your bugs according to teams

Prioritize your bugs according to teams

As you can see below, you can prioritize the bugs related to your team only and get more granular with the options to filter. For example, Payment team wants to focus on bugs status' new or in-progress. Also, you will be able to save those filters and you can access them from the right side of the filter bar.

Team Ownership

Team Ownership

Crash Prioritzation

Prioritizing crashes related to your team can be done through the Team filter at the top bar of the "Crashes" main page
Select your team from the dropdown list, you can even search by the team’s name. For example, “Payment” Team


Prioritize your crashes according to teams

As you can see below, you can prioritize the crashes related to your team only and get more granular with the options to filter. For example, Payment Team wants to focus on crashes seen in a certain app version. Also, you will be able to save those filters and you can access them from the right side of the filter bar.


Team ownership


If you’d like to get alerted as soon as you receive any crash related to your Team, you will be able to do that through our “Alerts and Rules” engine.

Go to “Alerts and Rules” and "Create" a new Alert


Start creating a rule

Use Case:
Regressing crash assigned to team “Payment”
Choose the condition (Regression) you want to be alerted to whenever it is assigned to “Payment” team


Regression detection with team ownership

For more details on the different use cases of Alerting, please refer to Alerts & Rules product guides.

Then, Forward it to your favorite tool (Ex: Slack, MS Teams, PagerDuty, … etc). Thus, Payment Team will be notified about this regression through that tool.


Forward the crash to your integrated tools

For more details on the different integrations that is supported, please refer to Instabug's Integrations Docs

You can assign this Alert/Rule to a certain team through "Owned by" section at the bottom of the rule. This enables you to figure out who to contact if there was a problem with any of the Alerts/Rules

Assigning a Team to Own the Rule

Assigning a Team to Own the Rule


Unassigned Rules

If the Alert/Rule does not have a team assigned to it, then by default the value will be Unassigned

Team Insights

Insights will help you get a closer look on the performance of each and every Team. To navigate to the insights you will need to go to the crashes on the left sidebar of the dashboard and go through the crashes insights at the top right corner


Crashes Insights

These are the insights you see before choosing a certain Team, now select the team whose performance you would like to monitor. For example, "Payment".


Crashes Insights, select your team

Now you can see all the related information to the “Payments Team” only. This will highlight the number of crashing sessions, the number of non-fatal, the number of OOMs or ANRs and a graph of occurrences over a certain period of time. All of this information will be related to the chosen team.