In-App Feature Requests for Cordova

This page contains an overview of the content available in the In-App Feature Request sections of the Instabug Docs for Cordova apps.


Integrating Instabug

To be able to use Instabug's Feature Requests product, you must first integrate the SDK.

Allowing users to suggest new features can be very beneficial for the growth of your application. You can use Instabug Feature Requests detailed here to enable your users to submit new feature ideas, vote and comment on other requests, and see the status of each submitted idea right inside your app.

From your dashboard, you can moderate these requests, update their status, as well as interact with your users to ask for more details or keep them up-to-date about upcoming releases.

In-App Feature Requests can be broken down into two sections:

In-App Feature Requests can be broken down into two sections:

  1. Showing the List of Feature Requests
    Showing the feature requests page is as simple as pasting a line of code into your application. This section details this API.
  2. Feature Request Content
    Check out what information is contained in each feature request and how to manage feature requests in your dashboard. Also learn how to change the email requirement for comments and new feature requests.

Watch it in action: