Grafana End to End Tracing


The new Instabug integration with Grafana enables end-to-end tracing for network calls, connecting client-side and server-side monitoring for your network requests. By using a unique trace ID, you can follow any network request from the client to the server, providing insights for troubleshooting networking issues.


  • Backend
    • Agent Supporting W3C Context Propagation: Ensure your backend agent supports W3C context propagation.


Note: If you use any trace sampling algorithms, Grafana may drop some traces. Consequently, you might see network requests in Instabug that are not available in Grafana.

  • Instabug's Side
    • Supported Platforms: This integration is only supported for iOS and Android.
    • Instabug SDK Version: Ensure you have Instabug SDK version 13.2.0 or higher for both iOS and Android.
    • If you are manually logging the network they need to:
      • Either send the httpUrlConnection or make sure you send all headers in the request
      • If you are masking the headers, make sure you don't remove the traceparent header

Integration Steps


By setting up this integration, Instabug will attach a trace ID as an HTTP header to your network requests. This allows us to link network requests from Instabug to Grafana.

  • To create a Grafana Integration go to Settings -> Integrations -> Grafana in your Instabug dashboard.
  1. Setup
  • Enter the link to the Grafana dashboard with the network traces to link to Instabug.
  • Create a traceID variable in that Grafana dashboard, and ensure the URL includes the traceID variable key at the end.
  • For example:<dashboard-id>/your-traces-dashboard?orgId=1&var-traceid=
  • For self-hosted Grafana, contact [email protected] to whitelist your domain.
  1. Test:
  • Validate the Grafana dashboard link to ensure it is correct.
  1. Finish:
  • Ensure the APM - Network Requests checkbox is checked to trace network requests to Grafana.
  • Give your integration a name and save the integration.

Using the Integration

When a network occurrence is logged, a unique trace ID will appear on the occurrence page in the Instabug dashboard.

  1. Navigate to a network occurrence in Instabug.
  2. Click on View on Grafana to verify that it redirects you to the correct Grafana dashboard, filtered by the TraceID.