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Instabug allows you to integrate with PagerDuty with only a few simple steps.

Setting up the integration

  1. To set up your PagerDuty integration, you will need to create a Custom Event Transformer in PagerDuty, which will allow you to map Instabug events to a PagerDuty Incident.

  2. Once the Custom Event Transformer is created, edit the code portion to look something like this (feel free to change this to customize it for your needs):

var body = PD.inputRequest.body 

var normalized_event = { event_type: PD.Trigger, description: Instabug |
${body.application} | ${body.trace} ${body.trigger_operator}, details: PD.inputRequest, client: "Instabug", client_url: 
body.url }; PD.emitGenericEvents([normalized_event]); 

  1. Simply add the PagerDuty webhook URL to which Instabug should forward your alerts.

  1. At this point, we just need to test your integration so that we're sure everything is working smoothly.

  1. All done! Your integration is now set up, just give your integration a name and you're ready to go.

JSON model:

  "application": "String", // Instabug App Name, 
  "platform": "String", // the App Platform (IOS, ...)
  "title": "String", // Rule title
  "app_version": "String", // The App Version, Example: 1.0.1,...
  "metric": "String", //the Metric that the incident is related to, Example: Screen Loading, App Launches, ..
  "trace": "String", //Crash Cause: exception name, Filename, and line, or Group name example Hot/cold App Launch
  "trigger": "String", // The Alert Trigger, Example: Crash-free sessions in the last 24 hours
  "trigger_operator": "String", // [Tigger] + [Tigger operator] + [Trigger value] + [Time frame]
  "conditions": [ //[Alert conditions] 
      "key": "String",
      "operator": "String",
      "value": "String"
  "conditions_operation": "String", // the conditions are ANDed or ORed
  "current_value": "String",// the Actual value of the metric at the time of the incident
  "url": "String" // in case the rule is a crashes rule, URL will be the Crash URL, other wise it will be the incident url