SDK 12.0 Migration Guide for iOS
Guide for migrating to Instabug's SDK version 12.0 on iOS
With the release of version 12.0.0, a whole host of new products have been released such as, Session Replay, App Ratings, and Rollout Management. Along with this release, a few APIs have been changed to better suit these new features and in order to improve the usage of these APIs.
Class | Deprecated API | Corresponding API |
IBGAPM | logLevel | Instabug.sdkDebugLogsLevel |
IBGAPM | appLaunchEnabled | IBGAPM.coldAppLaunchEnabled |
IBGCrashReporting | (void)reportError:(NSError _)error withGroupingString:(NSString _)groupingString | Refer to the API here. |
IBGCrashReporting | (void)reportException:(NSException _)exception withGroupingString:(NSString _)groupingString | Refer to the API here. |
IBGCrashReporting | (void)reportError:(NSError _)error withUserAttributes:(NSDictionary \<NSString _, NSString _>_)userAttributes | Refer to the API here. |
IBGCrashReporting | (void)reportException:(NSException _)exception withUserAttributes:(NSDictionary \<NSString _, NSString _>_)userAttributes | Refer to the API here. |
IBGCrashReporting | (void)reportError:(NSError \*)error | Refer to the API here. |
IBGCrashReporting | (void)reportException:(NSException \*)exception | Refer to the API here. |
IBGNetworkLogger | (void)setCanAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpaceHandler:(BOOL(^\_Nonnull)(NSURLProtectionSpace \* \_Nonnull protectionSpace))protectionSpaceHandler | [NSURLSessionTaskDelegate URLSession:task:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:] |
IBGNetworkLogger | (void)setDidReceiveAuthenticationChallengeHandler:(NSURLCredential\_ _Nullable (^\_Nonnull)(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge _ \_Nonnull challenge))receiveChallengeHandler | [NSURLSessionTaskDelegate URLSession:task:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:] |
IBGTypes | kIBGInvalidCommentMessageStringName | kIBGInsufficientContentTitleStringName |
IBGTypes | kIBGInvalidCommentTitleStringName | kIBGInsufficientContentMessageStringName |
IBGTypes | kIBGFeatureRequestsPromptName | Removed. |
IBGTypes | IBGBugReportingInvocationOption | IBGBugReportingOption |
Updated over 1 year ago