Apdex Impact
What is Apdex Impact?
Apdex Impact helps you understand how much each issue in your app contributes to frustrating sessions, affecting both your Apdex score and issue prioritization. This calculation ensures that the issues causing the most user frustration are ranked higher in the Issues List, helping you focus on what matters most.
Apdex Impact Levels
To better understand the significance of each issue based on its Apdex Impact, issues are classified into the following categories:
- High Impact: Issues affecting ≥0.5% of total sessions. These are critical and require immediate attention.
- Medium Impact: Issues affecting between 0.01% and 0.5% of sessions. These should be addressed after high-impact issues.
- Low Impact: Issues affecting <0.01% of sessions. These have minimal impact but may still need resolution over time.
- No Impact: Issues that don’t affect your Apdex score, including:
- APM groups where all occurrences are satisfying (Apdex 1).
- Metrics marked as non-key by your team.
How Apdex Impact is Calculated?
The Apdex Impact of an issue reflects its effect on your app's Apdex score by estimating the percentage of frustrating or tolerable sessions it causes.
For performance issues:
Example 1: Cold App Launch
We approximate the percentage of sessions that were frustrating or tolerable due to cold app launch. We calculate this by considering how bad the cold app launch is within all app launches, and how much app launches are contributing to frustrating and tolerable sessions in total.
Example 2: Network Requests
We approximate the percentage of sessions that were frustrating or tolerable due to this particular network request. We calculate this by considering how bad the network request is within all networks, and how much networks are contributing to frustrating and tolerable sessions in total.
Example 3: App Hangs
- This calculation applies to app launch, networks, screen loading, flows, UI hangs, app hangs, and force restarts.
- When calculating Frustrating/Tolerable Sessions Caused by an issue, tolerable sessions are given half the weight compared to frustrating sessions.
- Dissat count = (number of frustrating occurrences) + 0.5 * (number of tolerable occurrences)
For Crashes:
A crash occurrence disrupts the user session completely. So we simply calculate the percentage of sessions this crash impacted.
- This calculation applies to fatal crashes, ANRs for Android, and OOMs for iOS.
Updated 3 months ago