Bug Reporting Callbacks for Flutter
Covered here are callbacks that you can use to have a block of code executed when a certain action is triggered for your Flutter apps.
Before Invoking Instabug
This block is executed on the UI thread. You can use it to perform any UI changes before the SDK's UI is shown.
BugReporting.setOnInvokeCallback(Function function);
After Dismissing Instabug
This block is executed on the UI thread. You can use it to perform any UI changes after the SDK's UI has been dismissed.
BugReporting.setOnDismissCallback(Function function);
Updated over 1 year ago
What’s Next
Check out our attachments section for details on how to attach your own file. You can even attach a file in one of the callbacks above! You can also set custom data, such as a user attribute, at any time, including inside event handlers. Logging user events in the event handlers is possible as well.