Updating the SDK for iOS

You can easily update the Instabug SDK for each platform by following the instructions outlined below. If you wish to update to a specific version (for example, 14.0.0), ensure that your configuration files (Podfile, Cartfile, or Package.swift) reflect this version accordingly.


To update to the latest version of Instabug, use the following command:

pod update Instabug

If you need to update to a specific version (e.g., 14.0.0), specify it in your Podfile like this:

pod 'Instabug', '14.0.0'

After making the change, run:

pod install


To update to the latest version of Instabug, execute:

carthage update

For a specific version, indicate it in your Cartfile as follows:

github "Instabug/Instabug-iOS" == 14.0.0

Then, run:

carthage update

Swift Package Manager (SPM)

Updating via Xcode Interface:

  1. Open your Xcode project.
  2. In the Project Navigator on the left, select your project.
  3. Navigate to the Package Dependencies tab under your project settings.
  4. To update all packages to their latest compatible versions, go to File > Swift Packages > Update to Latest Package Versions.
  5. To update only Instabug:
    1. Select the Instabug package from the list of dependencies.
    2. Click the gear icon next to it.
    3. Choose Update Package to fetch and use the latest version that meets your version requirements.

Updating via Command Line

To Update to the Latest Compatible Version:

  1. In your Package.swift, add:
.package(url: "<https://github.com/Instabug/Instabug-iOS">, from: "14.0.0")
  1. Then, run:
swift package update

To Update to a Specific Version (e.g., 14.0.0):

  1. In your Package.swift, specify:
.package(url: "<https://github.com/Instabug/Instabug-iOS">, .exact("14.0.0"))
  1. Finally, execute:
swift package update