SDK 12.0 Migration Guide for Android
Guide for migrating to Instabug's SDK version 12.0 on Android
With the release of version 12.0.0, a whole host of new products have been released such as, Session Replay, App Ratings, and Rollout Management. Along with this release, a few APIs have been changed to better suit these new features and in order to improve the usage of these APIs.
Class | Deprecated API | Corresponding API |
APM | setAppLaunchEnabled(final boolean enabled) | setColdAppLaunchEnabled(final boolean enabled) |
APM | setLogLevel(@LogLevel final int level) | Instabug.setSdkDebugLogsLevel(@LogLevel final int level) |
CrashReporting | reportException(@NonNull final Throwable throwable) | report(@NonNull IBGNonFatalException exception) |
CrashReporting | reportException(@NonNull final Throwable throwable, @Nullable final String exceptionIdentifier) | report(@NonNull IBGNonFatalException exception) |
CrashReporting | reportException(@NonNull final Throwable throwable, @Nullable final String exceptionIdentifier, @Nullable final Map\<String, String> userAttributes) | report(@NonNull IBGNonFatalException exception) |
CrashReporting | reportException(@NonNull final Throwable throwable, @Nullable final String exceptionIdentifier, @Nullable final Map\<String, String> userAttributes, @Nullable String fingerprint) | report(@NonNull IBGNonFatalException exception) |
Instabug | setDebugEnabled(final boolean isDebugEnabled) | setSdkDebugLogsLevel(@LogLevel final int level) |
Instabug | setReproStepsState(final State reproStepsState) | setReproConfigurations(ReproConfigurations configurations) |
Instabug.Builder | setReproStepsState(State state) | setReproConfigurations(ReproConfigurations configurations) |
Instabug.Builder | setDebugEnabled(final boolean isDebugEnabled) | setReproConfigurations(ReproConfigurations configurations) |
Updated over 1 year ago