In-App Chat
This page contains an overview of the of the content available in the in-app chat sections.
Integrating Instabug
To use the in-app chat feature of the Instabug SDK, integrating the SDK is required.
Sometimes the best feedback you can get is one that comes in a conversation with users. Having a two-way channel open with the users can also lead to providing better support.
All of this can be done using Instabug's In-App Chat, which is automatically set up when you integrate the SDK. In this section, we will discuss all the features and APIs available. The breakdown is as follows:
1. Chat Workflow
Detailed in this section is how your users can interact with you via the chat options.
2. Disabling/Enabling In-App Chat
Is letting your users chat with you out of your scope? You can disable in-app chatting by following the instructions in this section.
Updated over 1 year ago